Unsupervised denoising of Raman spectra with cycle-consistent generative adversarial networks, Ciaran Bench, Mads S. Bergholt, Mohamed Ali al-Badri, arXiv, 2307.00513 (2023)
Enhancing synthetic training data for quantitative photoacoustic tomography with generative deep learning, Ciaran Bench, Ben Cox, arXiv, 2305.04714 (2023)
Unsupervised segmentation of biomedical hyperspectral image data: tackling high dimensionality with convolutional autoencoders, Ciaran Bench, Jayakrupakar Nallala, Chun-Chin Wang, Hannah Sheridan, Nicholas Stone, Biomedical Optics Express 13, 6373-6388 (2022)
Data-driven quantitative photoacoustic tomography. Ciaran Bench, Doctoral thesis (Ph.D), UCL (University College London) (2022)
Quantitative photoacoustic estimates of intervascular blood oxygenation differences using linear unmixing, Ciaran Bench, Ben Cox, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1761 012001 (2021)
Toward accurate quantitative photoacoustic imaging: learning vascular blood oxygen saturation in three dimensions, Ciaran Bench, Andreas Hauptmann, Ben Cox, Journal of Biomedical Optics 25(8) 085003 (2020)
Modeling Fibrillogenesis of Collagen-Mimetic Molecules, Anne E. Hafner, Noemi G. Gyori, Ciaran A. Bench, Luke K. Davis, Anđela Šarić, Biophysical Journal (2020)